al-Funun: A Literary Journal Published Once A Month
The Arts, 1913-1918
  Nasib Aridah
  al-Rabitah al-Qalamiyah
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This web site is devoted to the Arab-American journal al-Funun (The Arts) that Nasib Aridah (1887-1946) published in New York City between 1913 and 1918. 

Al-Funun Title PageThe publication of this journal proceeded by a few short years the famous Arab-American literary society “al-Rabitah al-Qalamiyah” (The Pen Bond: 1916, 1920-1931) and contributed greatly to its formation. 

It is hoped that this web site will aid students of Arab-American literature in appreciating what the early Arab-Americans accomplished. 

In addition, it is hoped that a better understanding of Nasib Aridah’s contribution to Arabic literature will be advanced too.

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For suggestions or comments: E-mail al-Funun’s Web Administrator.
..© Nasib Aridah Organization

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